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Custom Abutments

When a case requires that little bit extra.

Available in a range of materials from titanium to zirconia, custom abutments create a natural emergence profile to optimise the gingival contour and soft tissue aesthetics. They can also situate margins at or just below the gingival surface to simplify crown fitting and cement clean-up when cement retained restorations are chosen.


What the doctors say


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius quam libero, vitae facilisis tortor pulvinar eget. Suspendisse maximus ante in magna mollis semper.

Step 1. Take the tooth shade.
Step 2. Take the stump shade.

You can mix and match all the demos and templates. Every demo can be turned into one or multi-page with the shopping features.

  • Clean teeth of all debris and stains.
  • Take shade at the beginning of the appointment, before administering an injection, cutting the preparation or bleaching.
  • Neutralize the shade zone by covering or removing bright colors from the field of view.
  • Have the patient sit in an upright position.
  • Take the shade in the natural daylight or under color-corrected lighting conditions.
  • To reduce eye fatigue, evaluate the shade tabs for 5—7 seconds at a time.
  • To avoid metamerism, compare your shade choice in different light conditions.
  • Cross-check your shade selection with a team member before finalizing your decision.
  • Provide quality photographs, diagrams and notes to facilitate best shade rendering

Select the value reading first. Value is the fundamental dimension when it comes to shade-matching ceramic restorations. To achieve optimal results hold the selected shade tab parallel to the tooth surface. This will help isolate the shade tab from the tooth and prevent glare. Squinting your eyes, move the shade guide across until there is no difference between the tooth and the tab. To avoid retinal fatigue, relax your eyes between comparisons.

Select the hue to complete the shade assessment. Scan the selected shade tab(s) without prolonged staring, and use the process of elimination to select the best matching shade.

Take photographs. To help enrich communication with the lab, improve the quality of a final restoration and minimize adjustments, provide close-up photographs with the tooth to be restored, the adjacent teeth, contralateral teeth, and the selected shade tab(s) in the photo.

Draw a shade map. Using a Glidewell Rx form or a copy of the photograph, diagram additional characteristics of the tooth such as the placement of cervical and incisal layers or hypocalcification spots.

Repeat the above steps to assess the stump shade. For all-ceramic restorations, after preparation take the stump shade and photographs in the same manner as described above.

View all available Implants Solutions products.

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